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How confidence helps young learners

Confidence breeds success. Those who have the confidence to believe they can succeed, will succeed. Confidence empowers young learners to step out of their comfort zone and take risks, become more resilient when handling setbacks, and embrace their full potential in and out of the classroom. As parents and educators, one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is instilling a strong sense of confidence in them, to have faith in their abilities and achieve their goals. This blog explores the importance of having confidence and how it helps young learners succeed. 

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3 benefits of building confidence

Confidence doesn’t always come easy. Some children might inherit natural confidence or have confident role models, while others may need that extra boost. As long-time educators, we know the key to a child’s success is confidence. It is important that we help our children build confidence in themselves and their abilities, to succeed in and out of school. Building confidence can help children become resilient learners, increase their motivation, and improve their self-esteem. This blog explores the benefits of building confidence for children - read on to learn more.

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Essential tech skills for children

Technology plays a huge role in our everyday lives. From the smartphones we use to get in contact with people and navigate around town, to the tablets and laptops we carry with us to store documents and facilitate our work, technology and devices are with us almost all the time. It is important that we help our children develop tech skills at a young age, as technology is ingrained into many aspects of our lives and can come in handy for online learning. We have compiled a list of essential tech skills to help your child develop and hone, which will benefit them beyond their schooling years. 

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Harnessing educational technology for learning

Technology is transforming education, and the use of it in education has increased dramatically over recent years. Although traditional classroom teaching and learning methods are still prevalent, many schools and parents are now embracing technological learning tools. The way children learn in and outside of the classroom today provides an opportunity for a skilful blending of technology and traditional teaching methods. Educational technology is the effective use of tech tools in learning, which could include gamification, numerous types of media, and devices such as mobile phones, computers and tablets. This blog explores 3 important types of educational technology that you can help your child harness and incorporate into their learning. 

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Why learning styles matter

Children come in all shapes and sizes. Everyone has a preferred way of learning and there is no right or wrong way to learn. Learning styles determine how children acquire, process, and retain information. Some learn best by listening or observing, while others need a hands-on approach and have to do it to learn it. There are three primary learning styles, which are visual, verbal, and physical. Taking a moment to uncover your child’s learning style can help turn hard work into plain sailing. This blog explores the importance of understanding different learning styles and how you can provide your child with the best strategies to suit their individual learning style.

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