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build confidence in children numberworksnwords english maths tuition

How to Build Confidence in Children

Discover effective ways to build confidence in children. Learn how to embrace imperfection, celebrate effort and success, treat mistakes as learning opportunities, provide positive affirmation, focus on strengths, foster a growth mindset, encourage self-reflection and goal-setting, offer leadership and responsibility, seek mentorship, and expose children to new challenges. Find out how confidence contributes to resilience, motivation, and self-esteem in children, and explore personalised tuition programmes that help children become confident and successful learners.


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growth mindset numberworksnwords english maths tuition

Growth Mindset for Kids

Discover how a growth mindset fosters resilience, motivation, and curiosity, empowering children to embrace challenges and thrive in an ever-changing world. From the classroom to the home, we'll reveal practical strategies to nurture a growth mindset in children and how parents and schools play a pivotal role in shaping their mindset. 

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NW RoyalOak 8

Importance of Mentorship

Mentors offer a range of benefits, including educational support, feedback, confidence, and encouragement, which can contribute to a student's growth and development. We explore the profound impact of mentorship on children's lives and how it nurtures resilience, emotional intelligence, leadership skills, and a passion for continuous growth.

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Making Learning Fun

Unlock the transformative power of making learning fun! Discover the benefits of joyful and engaging learning experiences, from increased engagement to improved long-term memory retention. Explore the science behind fun learning in our latest blog.

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NumberWorksnWords maths and Engllish tuition setting educational goals

Setting educational goals with your child

Educational goals are a great way to motivate your child and help them define aspirations for the future. Setting educational goals will also get your child's learning on track, measure their progress and provide a confidence boost as they take steps towards success. Here we explore some examples of educational goals and how you can get your child invested in this process.

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