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5 Steps to Teach Children the Importance of Education

Embark on a journey to empower your child's love for learning with our latest blog, "The Importance of Education for Kids." Delve into essential steps every parent can take to shape their child into a well-rounded individual. 

From being positive role models to providing diverse learning opportunities, acknowledging obstacles and embracing technology responsibly, discover a comprehensive strategy for fostering a lifelong love of learning.

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Maths Games for Kids

Discover how the NumberWorks'nWords Arcade seamlessly integrates entertainment and education, turning maths into an enjoyable adventure. Explore gamification's power in motivating children and building a strong foundation for future learning. Dive into the cultivation of critical thinking and problem-solving skills and witness the impact of technology on education. Join us in embracing collaborative and interactive learning, recognising the vital role of parental involvement. 

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Learning over the Christmas Break

Learning over the Christmas Break

Holiday learning is about having family fun and enjoying the break. These activities are not necessarily your typical educational activities. Instead, they are skills that get your child problem-solving, thinking critically and doing so without being in a familiar learning environment. Let your holiday plans guide what activities you get the children involved in. It's important to choose fun, educational Christmas break activities that fit your child's interests. Here we have compiled a list of ventures that will encourage your child to have fun and gain confidence while learning new skills.

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Materialism in Children

Materialism is an attitude or personal value that places a lot of importance on money and the possession of things. How much is ‘a lot’ is a matter of opinion and will vary between families and cultures, based on their beliefs.

Materialism in children can become a problem when it’s out of balance with other values. In children it is often associated with low self-esteem and can lead to a downward spiral, as they seek to feel better about themselves by owning more desirable things.

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The difference between reading books and reading online

With the explosion of online reading, researchers, educators and parents around the world have become increasingly interested in how it compares to reading printed material. Early scientific research appeared inconclusive or contradictory. Subjectively, fans of e-readers (such as Kindle), loved the lightweight convenience and typically cheaper pricing for books. At the same time, diehard bookworms continued to maintain that ‘you can’t beat turning the pages of a book’, because they loved the smell and feel of a ‘real’ book.

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